Dr. Ayşe GÜL
Ph.D.: Eskişehir Technical University, Environmental Engineering, 2020
Research Interests: CO2 absorption, water treatment by adsorption and electrocoagulation, membrane processes in water and wastewater treatment
E-mail: ayse.gul@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/ayse.gul
Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering, 2018.
Research Interests: Structural Engineering, Fiber Concrete, Non-Linear Analysis of Structures
E-mail: eren.yagmur@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/eren.yagmur
Dr. Hakan YALÇIN
Ph.D.: Erciyes University, Civil Engineering, 2024.
Research Interests: Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Soil Improvement, Jet Grout, Pile Foundations, Peat and Organic Soils, Clayey soils
E-mail: hakan.yalcin@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/hakan.yalcin/
Ph.D.: Erciyes University, Civil Engineering, 2018.
Research Interests: Earthquake Engineeing, Structural Engineering
E-mail: hurmet.kucukgoncu@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/hurmet.kucukgoncu
Dr. Muhammet ATASEVER
Ph.D.: Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering, 2023.
Research Interests: Cement Chemistry and Mineralogy, Alternative Binders, Mineral Admixtures, Maturity Method
E-mail: muhammet.atasever@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/muhammet.atasever
Dr. Serhat AKŞİT
Ph.D.: Erciyes University, Civil Engineering, 2024.
Research Interests: Hydraulic structures, open channels, fishways, bridge-wind interaction.
E-mail: serhat.aksit@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/serhat.aksit/
Res. Asst. Engin YILDIZ
Research Interests: Life Cycle Analysis, Natural Stones
E-mail: engin.yildiz@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/engin.yildiz
Res. Asst. Ersin ERDOĞAN
Research Interests: Geotechnical earthquake engineering
E-mail: ersin.erdogan@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/ersin.erdogan
Res. Asst. Hediye YORULMAZ
Research Interests: Concrete technology, construction materials, structural mechanics.
E-mail: hediye.yorulmaz@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/hediye.yorulmaz/
Research Interests: Bituminous Materials, Hot Mix Asphalt, Flexible Pavements, Rigid/Concrete Pavements, Aging on Bitumen and Bituminous Mixtures, Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
E-mail: merve.ceyhan@yalova.edu.tr
Personal Page: https://akademik.yok.gov.tr/AkademikArama/AkademisyenGorevOgrenimBilgileri?islem=direct&authorId=9E07F50D41C0BDFC
Res. Asst. Ömer DİLMEN
Research Interests: Water quality, remote sensing
E-mail: omer.dilmen@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/omer.dilmen
Res. Asst. Sedat GÜLÇİMEN
Research Interests: Life Cycle Analysis, Energy Efficiency in Transportation, Sustainable Transportation
E-mail: sedat.gulcimen@agu.edu.tr
Personal Page: avesis.agu.edu.tr/sedat.gulcimen