2022-01-26 12:10:00

One of the courses in our undergraduate curriculum is CE 403 Capstone Design project and it aims to provide students the opportunity to work with real-world problems and challenges in teams to design and make/build their prototypes with the guidance of a faculty mentor. Design work may cover a civil engineering design of structural, geotechnical, hydraulic or transportation systems, as well as development of innovative and functional construction materials.
You're cordially invited to the presentations of the Capstone Design Projects of this semester will be held on January 26, 2022 at 1pm by the students to the faculty members and TAs  as face-to-face and it will also be broadcast live via Zoom session on the link given below. 

link: https://zoom.us/j/97374598801?pwd=ZDJxcTZTejVydUhad2dxOUtUSHhtdz09