Fedakar, H.I., Dinçer, A.E., Demir, A. 2025. Comparative analysis of hybrid geothermal-solar systems and solar PV with battery storage: Site suitability, emissions, and economic performance. Geothermics, 125, 103175, 1-11. Doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.103175.




Atasever, M., Erdoğan, S.T. 2024. Characterization of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Made with Calcium Sulfoaluminate Clinker. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-024-01009-5


Gül, A., Barış, M.,  & Tezcan Un, U., (2024). Carbon dioxide absorption using monoethanolamine, piperazine and n-metil-2-pirolidon solvents under counter current regime in packed column reactor.  International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control , vol.131, 1-8.


Atasever, M., Erdoğan, S.T. 2024. Effects of Clay Type and Component Fineness on the Hydration and Properties of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement. Materials and Structures, 57(8), 183.https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-024-02461-4


Atasever, M., Tokyay, M. 2024. Determining Datum Temperature and Apparent Activation Energy: An Approach for Mineral admixtures Incorporated Cementitious Systems. Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters, 15 (4), 142-149 https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2024.04.004




Fedakar, H.I., Dinçer, A.E., Bozkuş, Z. 2023. Developing empirical formulae for scour depth in front of inclined bridge piers. Gradevinar, 75(3), 239-256. Doi: 10.14256/JCE.3507.2022.


İlkentapar, M., Akşit, S., Açıkel, H. H., & Öner, A. A. (2023). The effect of spoilers on flow around tandem circular cylinders. Ocean Engineering272, 113637. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.113637


Şenol Arslan, D., Gül, A., Dizge, N., Ocakoglu, K.,  & Uzal, N., (2023). The different impacts of g-C3N4 nanosheets on PVDF and PSF ultrafiltration membranes for Remazol black 5 dye rejection.  Journal of Applied Polymer Science , vol.140, no.41. 




Fedakar, H.I. 2022. Developing new empirical formulae for the resilient modulus of fine-grained subgrade soils using a large long-term pavement performance dataset and artificial neural network approach. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676(4), 58-75. Doi: 10.1177/03611981211057054.


Fedakar, H.İ. 2022. Poliüretan ile güçlendirilmiş balastın hareket eden tekerlek yükü altındaki deformasyon davranışının nümerik olarak incelenmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(1), 79-91. Doi: 10.21605/cukurovaumfd.1094976.

Şenol Arslan, D., Gül, A., Uzal, N.,  & Yavuz, E., (2022). Ni-Zn Metal-organic framework based membranes for rejection of Pb(II) ions.  Inorganic Chemistry  Communication, vol.145, no.7, 1-23.



Demir, A., Dinçer, A. E., Öztürk, Ş., & Kazaz, İ. (2021). Numerical and experimental investigation of sloshing in a water tank with a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction method. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 21(2), 103-114.


Fedakar, H.I., Cetin, B., Rutherford, C.J. 2021. Deformation characteristics of medium-dense sand-clay mixtures under a principal stress rotation. Transportation Geotechnics, 30, 100616. Doi: 10.1016/j.trgeo.2021.100616.


Fedakar, H.I., Rutherford, C.J., Cetin, B. 2021. Effect of principal stress rotation on deformation behavior of dense sand–clay mixtures. Road Materials and Pavement Design. Doi: 10.1080/14680629.2021.1948908.


NAJI, D.M., AKIN, M.K., CABALAR, A.F., 2021. Evaluation of seismic site classification for Kahramanmaras City, Turkey. Environmental Earth Science, 80, 97, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09396-x.


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Fedakar, H.İ. 2021. Tekrarlı trafik yükleri altında farklı kil içeriklerine sahip orta-sıkı kum-kil karışımlarının esneklik modülünün incelenmesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 351-357. Doi: 10.28948/ngmuh.829513.




Demir, A. (2020). Hydro-elastic analysis of standing submerged structures under seismic excitations with SPH-FEM approach. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 17(9).


Dinçer, A. E., & Demir, A. (2020). Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Structural Cable Analysis. Applied Sciences, 10(24), 8983.


Severcan, S. S., Uzal, N., & Kahraman, K. (2020). Clarification of pomegranate juice using PSF microfiltration membranes fabricated with nano TiO2 and Al2O3. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 44(8), e14559.


Fedakar, H.I., Cai, W., Rutherford, C.J., Cetin, B. Evaluation of deformation behavior of sand-clay mixture under traffic loads. In Geo-Congress 2020: Vision, Insight, Outlook, Minnesota, USA, 25 - 28 February 2020, pp.201-209; ASCE Geotechnical Specipal Publication 317. Doi: 10.1061/9780784482803.022.


Naji. D. M., Akin M. K., Cabalar, A. F.. 2020. A Comparative Study on the VS30 and N30 Based Seismic Site Classification in Kahramanmaras, Turkey, Advances in Civil Engineering, Article ID 8862827, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8862827


YC Ersan, S Gulcimen, TN Imis, O Saygin, N Uzal, 2020, “Life cycle assessment of lightweight concrete containing recycled plastics and fly ash”, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-14 


OB Gokcek, N Uzal 2020, “Arsenic removal by the micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration using response surface methodology”, Water Supply 20 (2), 574-585 


S Saki, D Senol‐Arslan, N Uzal, 2020, “Fabrication and characterization of silane‐functionalized Na‐bentonite polysulfone/polyethylenimine nanocomposite membranes for dye removal”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 49057


SS Severcan, N Uzal, K Kahraman, 2020, “Clarification of Apple Juice Using New Generation Nanocomposite Membranes Fabricated with TiO2 and Al2O3 Nanoparticles” Food and Bioprocess Technology 13, 391-403


S Saki, N Uzal, 2020, “Surface coating of polyamide reverse osmosis membranes with zwitterionic 3‐(3,4‐dihydroxyphenyl)‐l‐alanine (l‐DOPA) for forward osmosis”, Water and Environment Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/wej.12475


U. Durak,O. Karahan, B. Uzal, S. İlkentapar, C.D. Atiş, 2020, “Influence of nano SiO2 and nano CaCO3 particles on strength, workability, and microstructural properties of fly ash‐based geopolymer”, Structural Concrete, https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.201900479.


S. Özuzun, B.Uzal, 2020, “Humic acid-based superplasticizer derived from leonardite as a natural organic matter: A comparative study with lignosulfonate- and naphthalene-based admixtures”, Submitted to Construction and Building Materials, Manuscript Number: CONBUILDMAT-D-20-05168.


S. Özen, B. Uzal, 2020, “"Effect of mineralogical composition of zeolite rich natural pozzolans on their lime reactivity and strength activity", Submitted to the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Manuscript Number: #MTENG-10718.


U. Durak, S. İlkentapar, O. Karahan, B. Uzal, C.D. Atiş, 2020, A new parameter influencing the reaction kinetics and properties of fly ash based geopolymers: A pre-rest period before heat curing", Submitted to Structural Concrete, Manuscript ID suco.202000374.


San NE., Topal T., Akin MK., 2020. Rockfall Hazard Assessment around Ankara Citadel (Turkey) Using Rockfall Analyses and Hazard Rating System, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, p. 1-21.


Dinçer A.E., Demir A., Öztürk Ş., Kazaz İ. (2020). Investigation of sloshing effect in a water tank with a novel fluid-structure interaction method. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (in press)


Dinçer A.E. (in press). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hyper-Elastic Submerged Structures Strengthened with Cable under Seismic Excitations. European Journal Environmental and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1080/19648189.2020.1837253




S Saki, N Uzal, M Gökçek, N Ates, 2019 “Predicting potential of pressure retarded osmosis power for different estuaries in Turkey”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 38 (4), 13085


C. Ciftci, H.S. Sas, 2019, “A rational utilization of reinforcement material for flexural design of 3D-printed composite beams”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 38(23-24), 1040-1054.


Özvan, A., Özvan, E.E., Akkaya, İ., Akin, M., Akin, M.K., 2019. A study of the relationship between the pressuremeter modulus and the preconsolidation pressure around a thrust fault. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78:596, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8597-1.


Akin, M., Akkaya, İ., Akin, M.K., Özvan, A., Ak, Y., 2019. Impact of jet-grouting pressure on the strength and deformation characteristics of sandy and clayey soils in the compression zone. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(8):3340-3352.


Dinçer A.E., Demir A., Bozkuş Z., Tijsseling A.S. (2019). Fully Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Large Deflections. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. 141(8), 081402. doi:10.1115/1.4043058.


Demir A., Dinçer A.E., Bozkuş Z., Tijsseling A.S. (2019). Numerical and experimental investigation of damping in a dam-break problem with fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Zhejiang University. 20(4). doi:10.1631/jzus.A1800520.


Dinçer A.E., (2019). Investigation of the sloshing behavior due to seismic excitations considering two-way coupling of the fluid and the structure. Water. 11(12), 2664; https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122664.


Demir A., Dinçer A.E., Bozkuş Z., Tijsseling A.S. (2019). Numerical and experimental investigation of damping in a dam-break problem with fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Zhejiang University. 20(4). 258-271.


Dinçer A.E., Demir A., Bozkuş Z., Tijsseling A.S. (2019). Fully coupled SPH-FEM approach for FSI problems with large deflections. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 141(8):081402-081402-13. doi:10.1115/1.4043058.




S Saki, N Uzal, 2018, “Preparation and characterization of PSF/PEI/CaCO3 nanocomposite membranes for oil/water separation” Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (25), 25315-253269


N Ates, N Uzal 2018, “Removal of heavy metals from aluminum anodic oxidation wastewaters by membrane filtration”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (22), 22259-22272


Yildirim A. T., Eroglu F., Yesilyurt O., Albayrak K., Sas H. S., ÇİFTCİ C., 2018, “Effect of ambient temperature on the flexural behavior of 3D printed composite beams”, SAMPE Long Beach 2018 Conference and Exhibition, California, United States of America


Eroglu F., Yildirim A. T. , Yesilyurt O., Sas H. S. , ÇİFTCİ C., 2018, “Effect of ambient temperature on the flexural behavior of 3D printed composite beams”, SAMPE Long Beach 2018 Conference and Exhibition, California, United States of America


MT. Atay, HS. Sas, C. Ciftci, SB. Coskun, B. Toker, AT. Yildirim, 2018, "Numerical analysis of stiff differential equations via interpolated variational iteration method", Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, 15-24.


Akkaya, İ., Özvan, A., Akın, M., Akin, M.K., Övün, U., 2018. Comparison of SPT and Vs-based liquefaction analyses: a case study in Erciş (Van, Turkey). Acta Geophysica, 66: 21-38.


Dinçer A. E., Bozkuş Z., Tijsseling, A.S.  (2018). Prediction of Pressure Variation at an Elbow subsequent to a Liquid Slug Impact by using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 140(3), 031303. doi:10.1115/1.4039696


Bozkuş Z., Özalp, M. and Dinçer A. E (2018). Effect of Inclination on Local Scour Depth around Bridge Pier Groups. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 43(10), 5413-5421. doi:10.1007/s13369-018-3141-2.


Güllü H., Fedakar H.İ., "Use of factorial experimental approach and effect size on the CBR testing results for the usable dosages of wastewater sludge ash with coarse-grained material", European Journal Of Environmental And Civil Engıneering, vol.22, pp.42-63, 2018.




H Yukseler, N Uzal, E Sahinkaya, M Kitis, FB Dilek, U Yetis 2017, Analysis of the best available techniques for wastewaters from a denim manufacturing textile mill, Journal of environmental management 203, 1118-1125


N Uzal, N Ates, S Saki, YE Bulbul, Y Chen, 2017, “Enhanced hydrophilicity and mechanical robustness of polysulfone nanofiber membranes by addition of polyethyleneimine and Al2O3 nanoparticles”, Separation and Purification Technology 187, 118-126


S Saki, N Uzal, N Ateş 2017, The size and concentration effects of Al2O3 nanoparticles on PSF membranes with enhanced structural stability and filtration performance, Desalination and Water Treatment, 84, 215-224


ÇELİK M. , ÇİFTCİ C. , ESKİZEYBEK V., ŞAŞ ÇAYCI H. S., 2017, “Numerical Characterization of Permeability Tensor of Fiber Preforms for Liquid Composite Molding Applications”, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2017), Antalya, Turkey, page 655


ÇİFTCİ C. , ŞAŞ ÇAYCI H. S. , ATAY M. T. , Toker B., Guncan B., Yildirim A. T., 2017, “The Numerical Solutions for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations by Using Interpolated Variational Iteration Method with Comparison to Exact Solutions”, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Thessaloniki, Greece, volume 1978


O. Sivirikaya, B. Uzal, Y. E. Öztürk, 2017, “Practical charts to identify the predominant clay mineral based on oxide composition of clayey soils”, Applied Clay Science 135, 532-537.


Güllü H., Fedakar H.İ., "Response surface methodology for optimization of stabilizer dosage rates of marginal sand stabilized with Sludge Ash and fiber based on UCS performances", KSCE Journal Of Civil Engineering, vol.21, pp.1717-1727, 2017.


Güllü H., Fedakar H.İ., "Unconfined compressive strength and freeze-thaw resistance of sand modified with sludge ash and polypropylene fiber", Geomechanics And Engineering, vol.13, pp.25-41, 2017.


Güllü H., Fedakar H.İ., "On the prediction of unconfined compressive strength of silty soil stabilized with bottom ash, jute and steel fibers via artificial intelligence", Geomechanics And Engineering, vol.12, pp.441-464, 2017.


Demir A., Dinçer A. E., (2017). MPS ve FEM tabanlı akışkan-yapı etkileşimi modelinin çoruh nehri üzerindeki ardıl baraj-yıkılma problemine uygulanması. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi. 3(2). 64-69.


Demir, A. and Dinçer A. E. (2017). MPS ve FEM tabanlı akışkan-yapı etkileşimi modelinin çoruh nehri üzerindeki ardıl baraj-yıkılma problemine uygulanması. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi. 3(2). 64-69.




M Ozmen, EK Aydogan, N Ates, N Uzal 2016, “Developing a decision-support system for waste management in aluminum production”, Environmental Modeling & Assessment 21 (6), 803-817


EK Morali, N Uzal, U Yetis 2016, “Ozonation pre and post-treatment of denim textile mill effluents: Effect of cleaner production measures”, Journal of Cleaner Production 137, 1-9


Akin M.,Kramer S. L.,Topal T. (2016). Dynamic soil characterization and site response estimation for Erbaa, Tokat (Turkey). Natural Hazards, July, 2016, Volume 82, Issue 3, pp. 1833-1868, Doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2274-4


Akin M. (2016). Experimental studies on the physico-mechanical properties of jet-grout columns in sandy and silty soils. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 116, 190-197., Doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.01.011


Dinçer A. E., Bozkuş Z. (2016).  Investigation of Water Hammer Problems in Wind-Hydro Hybrid Power Plants.  The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 41(12). 4787-4798. doi:10.1007/s13369-016-2142-2


Demir A. (2016) 3D single-segment cable analysis. International Journal of Engineering and Science. 5(8). 1-7.


Yavuz C., Dinçer A. E., Aydin İ. (2016). Head Loss Estimation for Water Jets from Flip Buckets. The International Journal of Engineering and Science. 5(11). 48-57.


Aydin Cilsalar, H. and Aydin, K. "Parabolic and Cubic Acceleration Time Integration Schemes for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Problems Using the Method of Weighted Residuals”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 23(7), 727-738 (2016).




B Varol, N Uzal , 2015, “Arsenic removal from aqueous solutions by ultrafiltration assisted with polyacrylamide: an application of response surface methodology” Desalination and Water Treatment 56 (3), 736-743


JG Hong, B Zhang, S Glabman, N Uzal, X Dou, H Zhang, X Wei, Y Chen 2015, Potential ion exchange membranes and system performance in reverse electrodialysis for power generation: A review Journal of Membrane Science 486, 71-88


C Varol, N Uzal, FB Dilek, M Kitis, U, 2015, Yetis Recovery of caustic from mercerizing wastewaters of a denim textile mill, Desalination and Water Treatment 53 (12), 3418-3426


Dinçer A. E., Bozkuş Z. (2015).  Su-Rüzgar Hibrit Sistemlerinde Su Darbesi Problemlerinin Araştırılması.  Teknik Dergi, 26(3). 7183-7189.


Demir A. (2015). Static analysis of railway overheads considering pantograph effect. International Journal of Advances in Railway Engineering. 3(1). 39-47.


Yavuz C., Dinçer A. E., Yilmaz K., Dursun S. (2015). Head Loss Estimation of Water Jets from Flip Bucket of Cakmak-1 Diversion Weir and HEPP. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research, 2(9), 931-937.


Aydin K. and Kisi, O. "Applicability of a Fuzzy Genetic System for Crack Diagnosis in Timoshenko Beams", ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(5), (2015).


Aydin K. and Kisi O., "Damage diagnosis in Beam-Like Structures by Artificial Neural Networks", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 5, 591-604 (2015).


Aydin K. and Kisi O., “Damage Detection in Structural Beam Elements Using Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Systems”, Smart Structures and Systems, 16(6), 1107-1132 (2015).




Varol B., Uzal N. Arsenic Removal From Aqueous Solutions By Ultrafiltration Assisted With Polyacrylamide: an Application of Response Surface Methodology, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.937765.

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ÇİFTCİ C., Arwade S. R., Kane B., Brena S. F., 2014, “Analysis of the probability of failure for open-grown trees during wind storms”, PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS, volume 37, pages 41-50


ÇİFTCİ C. , Kane B., Brena S. F. , Arwade S. R., 2014, “Loss in moment capacity of tree stems induced by decay”, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, volume 28, pages 517-529,


Aydin K. and Kisi, O. "Damage Detection In Timoshenko Beam Structures By Multilayer Perceptron And Radial Basis Function Networks", Neural Computing & Applications, 24(3-4), 583-597 (2014).




Ciftci C. , Brena S. F. , Kane B., Arwade S. R., 2013, “The effect of crown architecture on dynamic amplification factor of an open-grown sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.)”, TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, volume 27, pages                1175-1189


Akın, M. Ozvan, A., Akın, K.M., Topal, T., 2013. Evaluation of liquefaction in Karasu River floodplain after the October 23, 2011, Van (Turkey) earthquake, Natural Hazards, Vol. 69, pp. 1551–1575: DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0763-2.


Akın, K. M., Topal, T., Kramer, S.L., 2013. A newly developed seismic microzonation model of Erbaa (Tokat, Turkey) located on seismically active eastern segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). Natural Hazards, 2013, Volume 65:3, pp 1411-1442.


Kocabaş F., Ünal B., Ünal S., Fedakar H.İ., Gemici E., "Fuzzy genetic approach for modeling of the critical submergence of an intake", Neural Computing & Applications, vol.23, pp.73-82, 2013.


Aydin, K. “Influence of Crack and Slenderness Ratio on the Eigenfrequencies of Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beams”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 20(5), 339-352 (2013).


Aydin, K. “Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Beams with Arbitrary Number of Surface Cracks”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 42, 112-124 (2013).


Kucukgoncu, H. and Aydin, K. “Crack Identification in Beams Using Hilbert Transform, Kurtosis and Mode Shape Rotation Deviation Curve”, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 21(8), 1392-146 (2013).




Uzal, B.,Turanli, L., Blended cements containing high volume of natural zeolites: Properties, hydration and paste microstructure, Cement and Concrete Composites Vol.34 (2012), 101-109.


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Uzal N., Jaworska A., Miskiewicz A., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Cojocaru C., (2011) Optimization of Co2+ ions removal from water solutions via polymer enhanced ultrafiltration with application of PVA and sulfonated PVA as complexing agents,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 362, 615–624.


Okuyucu, D., Turanlı, L., Uzal, B., Tankut, T., Some characteristics of fibre-reinforced semi- lightweight concrete with unexpanded perlite, Magazine of Concrete Research Vol.63 (2011), 837-846.




Uzal N., Yilmaz L., Yetis U., (2010) Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis for Reuse of Indigo Dye Rinsing Waters,Separation Science and Technology, 45, 331–338.


Uzal, B., Turanlı, L., Yücel, H., Göncüoğlu, M.C., Çulfaz, A. (2010), Pozzolanic Activity of Clinoptilolite: A Comparative Study with Silica Fume, Fly Ash and a Non-Zeolitic Natural Pozzolan, Cement and Concrete Research 40 (3), 398-404.




Uzal N., Yilmaz L., Yetis U., (2009) Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration As Pretreatment For Reclamation of Rinsing Waters of Indigo Dyeing, Desalination, 240(1-3), 198-208.

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Şahmaran, M., Özkan, N., Keskin, S.B., Uzal, B., Yaman, İ.Ö., Erdem, T.K. (2008), Evaluation of Natural Zeolite as a Viscosity-Modifying Agent for Cement-Based Grouts, Cement and Concrete Research 38 (7), 930-937.


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Aydin, K. “Vibratory Characteristics of Euler-Bernoulli Beams with Arbitrary Number of Cracks Subjected to Axial Load”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 14(4), 485-510 (2008).




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